The Great IoT Crash:...

Imagine waking up to a world gone haywire. Your morning coffee maker decides to dispense dish soap instead of brew. Your smart thermostat cranks the heat to an unbearable level while your locks mysteriously trip, trapping you inside. This isn't a scene from a sci-fi thriller, but a potential consequence of the looming threat - The Great IoT Crash.

Brain-Computer Interfaces and the...

Imagine being able to connect to the internet without touching your smartphone, smartwatch, or laptop, communicating with people and everything else using nothing but your mind. How far are we from telepathy and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) that connect us directly to the web?

Pioneering Green IoT Innovations:...

The internet made it easier for people to communicate across long distances. But when the Internet of Things (IoT) came along, it changed how devices work by letting them connect to the internet too. According to Statista,  the number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices worldwide is forecast to almost double from 15.1 billion in 2020 to more than 30 billion IoT devices in 2030.

The History of Forgotten...

Technology marches forward at a relentless pace. New gadgets and software seem to appear daily, leaving older versions in the dust. But what about the technologies that never quite made it? Those ingenious ideas that, for one reason or another, faded into obscurity? This blog delves into the fascinating world of forgotten technologies, unearthing hidden gems and exploring the reasons behind their demise.

Cybersecurity Threats in a...

The internet has become an essential part of our lives. From work video calls to late-night social media scrolling, we're constantly connected. But this hyper-connected world comes with a hidden danger: an ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats.

AI and Universal Basic...

The relentless march of technology has always reshaped the way we work. From the looms of the Industrial Revolution to the assembly lines of the 20th century, innovation has both displaced jobs and created new ones. Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands poised to be the next great disruptor, raising a critical question: Will AI automate work to the point of obsolescence, leaving us in a jobless future?

The Dark Sides of...

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming our world, bringing incredible advancements in healthcare, transportation, and communication. However, alongside the undeniable benefits lies a shadow – the potential dangers of AI. This blog post delves into the darker side of AI, exploring the risks and existential threats that need careful consideration.

AI for Citizen Science:...

Imagine a world where anyone, regardless of scientific background, can contribute to groundbreaking research. This isn't science fiction, but the reality of citizen science. Now, picture this: citizen science empowered by the cutting-edge capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This powerful combination is revolutionizing the way we approach scientific discovery, opening doors to a future brimming with exciting possibilities.